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Turquoise & Tufa

Navajo Jimmie King Jr. Bracelet of Silver With Inlay

Navajo Jimmie King Jr. Bracelet of Silver With Inlay

Regular price €676,95
Regular price Sale price €676,95
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Navajo jeweler Jimmie King Jr. handmade this magnificent contemporary bracelet of heavy gauge silver with two precise mosaic inlay drop sections - the larger affixed section of inlay is horizontally set on top of the bracelet while the smaller tear drop section dangles from a silver chain link affixed to the first inlay element. The silver cuff itself is asymmetrical in shape - one terminal is twice as wide and tapers to a narrower terminal on the other side. The resulting bracelet is a distinctive, balanced design.

This piece is MADE for those of you who think your wrist is too small for a statement cuff, for it measures 5" inside with a 13/16" gap. Glorious find for the small-wristed among us! Signed on the inside.


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