Horny Toad Bracelet By Edison Cummings Tufa Cast Turquoise and Coral

Annual 2021 Native American Jewelry Catalog

Edison Cummings Turquoise And Coral Bracelet

It's finally here! I'm so pleased to present you with the Turquoise & Tufa Annual 2021 Native American Jewelry Catalog.

Inside you'll find some exceptional pieces of Native American jewelry along with a great little group of Hopi & Pueblo pottery. There's depth and breadth here from some of the most esteemed Native artists, both past and present, who have used their skillful hands and inspired hearts to bless the world with their craft. You'll notice an array of techniques and styles celebrating the inherent diversity of Native art. 

Here's just some of the artists whose work you'll find inside:


  • Larry Golsh 
  • Richard Chavez
  • Tony Abeyta
  • McKee Platero
  • Edison Cummings
  • Mike Bird Romero
  • Darryl Dean Begay
  • Jesse Robbins
  • Liz Wallace
  • Denise Wallace
  • Lee Yazzie
  • Joe H. Quintana
  • Preston Monongye
  • Julian Lovato
  • Johnny & Marlene Rosetta
  • Victor Coochwytewa
  • Leekya Deyuse
  • Juan Dideos 

Since I will not be participating in a show this year, I put extra love & effort into this catalog, and pieces are available right now. I hope you enjoy looking and perhaps find something calling your name.

As you browse the pages, please keep in mind that many of these one-of-a-kind pieces can, indeed, be sized. If you have any questions at all, ask away with an email to bonnie@turquoiseandtufa.com, and I'll get back to you just as soon as I can with availability, price, and any other answers you're seeking. You may remember from years past that some of these catalog pieces go fast. You can call me if you'd rather (505-795-4345), but email will get you a quicker response.

I'm ever-appreciative of you!

Many, many blessings,


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